An exciting contemporary house situated in a beautiful ancient olive grove, surrounded by luscious forest
The contemporary house is located in a breathtaking untouched national forest, filled with a diverse range of tree and shrub species and breathtaking wildflowers in Spring.
The house is situated towards the edge of the land, tucked in to the ancient olive groves.
The design is site responsive, site specific and uses local materials, from on site and locally sourced, to be as respectful to the landscape as possible and minimise the carbon footprint of the project.
It is an ongoing project that will evolve over several years, a joy to work on.

One of the many magical views from the site looking down through the Olive trees to the beach

Huge boulders sit lightly amongst the ancient Olive groves, a beautiful landscape
Inspiration for this project was easy due to its breathtaking location. The clients asked me to create a landscape that is sensitive to the site, which looks and feels comfortable. It has been a very intuitive process, working with the land, to help the house become enveloped back in to the landscape.

Areas of drought tolerant, elegant planting with site sourced boulders soften the paving, helping the house settle in to its surroundings.
The clients, both artists, have a very keen eye for detail.
We worked together to look and really understand what was needed for the landscape. Through a process of spending time, sitting, feeling, and really looking we have created a series of spaces that feel very comfortable, look dynamic and are very beautiful.

Relocated Olive tree creates a focal point across the terrace breaking up the space surrounding the pool.

From the site there is access to an untouched beach. The path goes through wild scrub with heavenly Mediterranean smells
Work in Progress

Punches of colour from Bougainvillea and Wisteria

Very pretty native Cistus

Delicious scent and colour of Wisteria against the stone walls
Pops of colour bring energy to certain spaces that will encourage people to use them in very different ways from more relaxed, softer areas, to uplifting colourful spaces around the entertaining areas.
To enhance the atmospheric feeling of the site, placing and using plants that allow light to move through and around have been essential in bringing a sense of movement and weightlessness to the planting.
During the build of the house, huge boulders were uncovered. These have been very carefully sited in the immediate landscape next to the house. They bring a visual weight to the landscaping, without making the spaces look contrived or over worked.
By really understanding the site, such as the light, wind directions, soils, drainage, volume of rain, wildlife etc we have managed to integrate a diverse range of plants that will survive with hot, harsh dry summers and wet, cold winters.

Pool Terrace with a relocated Olive tree to provide much needed shade

Setting out the drought tolerant plants including grasses and Mediterranean herbs
Native species drought tolerant plants have been used to enable a seamless visual transition in to the wider landscape. This sensitive approach to the design and plant choice enables a very comfortable visual and physical transition through the spaces.
Where possible, many of the Olive trees were kept in place and worked around. The few that were moved were replanted in strategic locations to help the house to settle in its surroundings.